Picking the right charger Riverside County

Finding the best match

Finding the right charger can be as simple as 1-2-3. Castle Electric can help you determine what size charger will fit your situation the best, and supply you with all the information you'll need to help you choose a back end service that will cover all the specific services that are right for you and your users.


Level 1

Home Owners

Power Delivery

1-1.4 kW

Range Added Per Hour

3-5 miles

Time to Charge 60kWh EV

30-40 hours
Level 1 charging uses a standard 120-volt outlet. It is best used for plug-in electric hybrid vehicles with small batteries of less than 25 kWh. A level 1 charge may be right for you if you drive your hybrid vehicle sparingly or for short distances. We recommend a higher charge if you drive your hybrid often or daily.

Level 2

Medical - High Density Residential

Power Delivery

3.9-19.2 kW

Range Added Per Hour

12-80 miles

Time to Charge 60kWh EV

2.5-4.5 hours

Most hybrid vehicle and commercial facility owners use level 2 charges. Level 2 works great for daily use and can be installed in various spaces, including offices, and large public locations such as shopping plazas and train stations.  Though level 2 charges fast, they often require intensive planning and installations to function properly. Complex circuitry and breaker box installation are required.


Level 3

Hotels - AutoDealers

Power Delivery

24-300 kW

Range Added Per Hour

75-1,200 miles

Time to Charge 60kWh EV

30-40 minutes
Level 3 charging is the fastest, most advanced and heavy-duty. Commonly known as "superchargers," level 3 is used almost exclusively for large, heavily populated public spaces like airports and city squares. Level 3 chargers use direct current rather than alternating current.